
Revolutionizing Tomorrow with Intelligent Innovation

About Us

At VishwamAI, we are dedicated to advancing AI technology and applying it to solve real-world problems. Our mission is to explore, innovate, and deliver AI-driven products that enhance human capabilities and contribute to the betterment of society.

Our Projects

VishwamAI DeepMind

Creating an advanced AI model with superior cognitive abilities through deep learning and neural network research.

Advanced SWE Agent

Developing an AI-powered software engineering assistant to enhance productivity in software development.

AI-driven Data Analytics

Building robust AI systems for data analysis and interpretation to support decision-making processes.

Automated Customer Support

Creating intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants to handle customer queries and improve user experience.

Healthcare AI Solutions

Applying AI in the healthcare sector for better diagnosis, predictive analytics, and personalized treatment plans.



Sole Developer of VishwamAI

Innovator in AI Development

Assisted by Claude AI and Devin AI

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